Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation, or genioplasty, is a surgical procedure that is used to change the shape or size of the chin.  The size and the shape of the chin plays an important role in balancing the lower 1/3 of the face.  In men, particularly, a strong and balanced chin project an aura of power and inspires confidence.  The most forward projecting point of the chin, the pogonion, should fall within a vertical plane dropped from the forward most projection of the lower lip.  In women a slightly less prominent chin is considered more feminine but should still remain within a few millimeters of the forward most projection of the lower lip.  The projection of the chin is also an important contributor to the aesthetics of the profile view and the relative appearance of the nose.  This is apparent when a weak, or poorly projected chin will make a normally proportioned nose appear too large, and therefore, by augmenting the chin a less dramatic change is needed in the nose.

While certain malformations of the lower jaw or mandible necessitate a more extensive orthognathic corrective surgery, microgenia, or small chin, can be surgically amended through the placement of a silicone implant.  The implant is placed through a natural skin crease under the chin.

Please evaluate the pictures below to see the significant impact that the chin implant has on this patient’s profile as well as frontal photographs.

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